Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  smiling~bandit Mi 15 Jul 2020, 23:26

Hier mal direkt eingestellt aus reddit, wo sich Charlemagne, ein EA-Community Manager, direkt an die Community wendet:

Your Starfighters

Welcome back, pilots. It’s been great to see the discussions you’ve all been having about Squadrons in the wake of the gameplay reveal. The team has been thrilled by the reception so far and we can’t wait for you to strap in at launch! Today, though, we wanted to get into the heart of this game: the starfighters and their core functions.

You’ll have eight starfighters at your disposal:

T-65B X-wing starfighter
BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber
RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft
TIE/ln starfighter (“TIE fighter”)
TIE/sa bomber (“TIE bomber”)
TIE/in interceptor (“TIE interceptor”)
TIE/rp reaper attack lander (“TIE reaper”)

While each of these starfighters have their own unique handling and functionality, there are some base features that they all share. Every ship has primary weapons, countermeasures, a hull outfitting, engines, and two auxiliary abilities (such as missiles or repair droids), though some starfighters also have shields. The benefit of this system is that if you know how to pilot one starfighter, you know how to pilot them all as they all share the same basic controls, too. Through these functions, players will be able to balance their power systems to face any confrontation.

Power Management

One of the core features in Squadrons is the power management system that allows you to divert power to a particular subsystem: engines, lasers, or shields. For the most part, having balanced power will get the job done, but there’ll likely be times where you want to prioritize one system in particular. Raising the power diverted to one system will increase its efficiency while lowering it will do the opposite. Having one of the three systems at max power, though, will give your ship an otherwise unique ability that it can’t regularly perform. Players will have the option to choose between a basic, simplified power management system and a more advanced one that allows them to more precisely control how much power goes to each subsystem.

Diverting power to your engines increases your top speed, but if you have your engine power maxed out, you’ll be able to charge up and use a very powerful speed boost, not unlike what Poe Dameron used in Star Wars™: The Last Jedi or the X-wing pilot in the reveal trailer for Squadrons.

Meanwhile, if you focus on diverting power to your lasers, they’ll recharge much faster. Should your weapon power be at max, you’ll automatically begin to overcharge your lasers, making them much more powerful before reverting to normal cannon fire. This also means you’ll have up to double the laser output available since you’ll first use the overcharge and then use regular laser fire. Just like the speed boost, they’ll continuously charge back up and then overcharge while not being used. This is great for attacking an enemy capital ship subsystems or one of the cruisers that try getting in your way (Creative Director’s note: “Or just melting an enemy starfighter”).

For the New Republic ships and the TIE reaper, diverting power to shields allows them to recharge faster. If your shield strength is maxed out, though, you’ll charge up overshields (up to 200% shielding) for both the front and back of your starfighter, which is a lot of extra protection and useful when getting near turbolasers. Shields can also be focused on the front or back of the starfighter at any time, but without an overshield, that requires a trade-off of having up to 200% shields on one side but none on the other. This is good for when you’re rushing towards a flagship or while being chased by an enemy.

For starfighters that don’t have shields, however, there’s another option. Rather than being able to focus shielding to the front or back of your starfighter, you can instead use a power converter to rapidly divert all power from one part of the ship to another (for example, lasers to engines or engines to lasers). This is an effective response to an emergency situation where you need an immediate laser overcharge but are willing to have barely functioning engines, or an instant speed boost but with little to no offensive capabilities.

However, constantly having one of your starfighter’s power systems maxed out isn’t always wise. If your lasers are at full power, you’ll likely be moving slower and/or have weaker shields, for example. You’ll want to manage your power balance regularly to fit the situations you’re in so that you can stay in the fight longer. At any time, you’ll be able to rebalance your ship’s power to an evenly distributed state with a single button press, though, so it’s easy to recalibrate in the heat of battle.

Beyond that, hull integrity (or ship health) will also be something you’ll need to monitor. Your ship’s health will not automatically regenerate (unlike shields), and as your hull integrity drops from 100 towards 0, your ship will visibly become more damaged. However, there are ways to repair! Astromechs and repair systems are components that can restore some of your ship’s health. Additionally, returning to the hangar in a flagship will also fully repair your starfighter. And of course, Support ships are also excellent at helping allies stay in the fight by restoring their hulls. More on them below!

You’ll also want to know how to resupply as some components have limited ammo. Support starfighters can certainly help here and will be the best way to resupply on the go, but you can also fly under an allied cruiser or into the capital ship’s hangar to restock your munitions, too. Regular lasers/weapons don’t require ammo and simply recharge over time, but countermeasures, torpedoes, mines, and other components have limited ammo. There are also some components, like astromechs, that recharge over time.

Starfighter Classes

In total, there are four starfighter classes: Fighters, Bombers, Interceptors, and Support ships. Between the two factions, each class of ship is relatively balanced compared to its counterpart. The only major difference is that the four New Republic starfighters (X-, Y-, A-, and U-wings) plus the TIE reaper have shields while the other three TIEs do not. To compensate for this, these three TIEs have slightly higher speed, agility, and offensive capabilities and can also divert emergency power into either engines or lasers for a brief power surge as mentioned before.

Fighter-class ships are some of the most balanced ships. They’re good at dogfighting, quite agile, and can take a hit, making them exceptionally flexible starfighters that can adapt to any situation. Though they typically won’t excel in any one specific area like the other starfighters, they’re great as an all-purpose playstyle. The iconic X-wing and TIE fighter make up this class.

Meanwhile, Interceptor-class ships are uniquely tailored for dogfighting. These ships have very high speed and lasers to match, but they’re glass-cannons, too. They dish out a lot more damage than they can take, making them well-suited for hit-and-fade attacks or picking off enemy ships. The beloved A-wing and TIE interceptor make up this class.

Then there’s the Bomber-class starfighters which live up to their name. These ships, though slower moving, can take a lot of damage and deal out even more. You’ll want these in your squadrons when it’s time to do bombing runs on enemy capital ships and their accompanying cruisers, but don’t underestimate them in a dogfight, either. While they aren’t as nimble or agile as other starfighters, they can reliably hold their own in a fight and can take down an enemy ship faster than most others, making them ideal frontline fighters. The hardy Y-wing and TIE bomber are part of this class.

And last but certainly not least are the Support-class starfighters. These ships are dedicated to keeping their allies in the fight by resupplying and repairing them, but are also uniquely suited for building out defensive and offensive capabilities. They have the ability to use tractor beams to stop or slow enemies, drop mines to entrap and take out foes, and deploy turrets on the go to bring some additional firepower to a location, changing the way both squadrons fight and fly. Though they’re less agile than other starfighters and don’t usually deal as much damage, they’re great at disabling enemy ships while helping their squadron, making them excellent to have on your wings for any engagement. The reliable U-wing and TIE reaper are the two in this ship class.

Bring Them to Life

Finally, let’s talk a bit about these iconic starfighters themselves. Recreating them as authentically as possible was a labour of love for the team, but so was finding a way to balance gameplay and design. Here’s what our Creative Director had to say on that:

Ian Frazier: A big part of our work in bringing these starfighters to life has been the creation of the cockpits. They're challenging, because we're trying to look as realistic as possible while matching the aesthetic from the films and incorporating the necessary gameplay information as naturally as possible. How do we convey the state of your shields or the status of your target, for instance, in a way that feels like it belongs in the Star Wars galaxy?

This means that when we want to communicate the charge level of your lasers in an X-wing, we design the cockpit instruments for that as if we were Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) building the prop in the '70s. We don't say "put a red light there," we say "if you needed to physically build this using the sorts of parts that ILM had, how would it be built? Is that light a bulb? An LED? How would it be integrated into the dashboard and how would its light interact with everything around it. We ensure the screens are CRTs with appropriately curved monitors, and so forth.

We also try to come at it from a purely fictional angle, pretending we're employees of Incom or Sienar Fleet Systems and then asking "how would we build this?" This was particularly the case with the TIEs, where there was no existing canonical guide [when we started development] as to how exactly those ships are piloted, which meant we needed to figure out the way things like the control yoke actually worked in a very practical sense. This was a ton of fun because it meant working with our partners at Lucasfilm, animators, and mocap actors to land on an approach that fit with what we saw in the films but is believable in terms of how a real pilot would need to operate the controls to pull off complex maneuvers. (Editor’s note: We actually built cockpits for our actors when performing motion capture!)

One related thing worth a mention here is that when you start a new game of Squadrons (or later in the options menu), you can set the game to the "Instruments Only" mode. If you do, it turns off all the in-world UI elements (for highlighting objectives and so forth), so you become almost 100% reliant on your cockpit instruments. This definitely makes the game harder, so toggle it on with caution, but if you want to jack the immersion level to the max, it's pretty darn cool!

He’s not joking, either. It’s tough! Still, we have no doubts that some of you are going to master the diegetic dashboard (meaning most of the HUD is built into your cockpit). And if you want to get even deeper into the immersive experience, try a VR headset and wielding a trusty HOTAS setup if you’re on an applicable platform!

This concludes your pilot briefing, but there’s more to come. If there’s anything you really want us to go into, be sure to let us know, too! As always, you can also check out other pages on our website for more information about the game, such as one that details locations or even the game’s PC requirements. But until next time, fly safe!

See you in the stars, pilots.

Hier gehts zur Quelle:

Chewie. Die Prinzessin. Du musst dich um sie kümmern, verstanden?
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  smiling~bandit Mi 22 Jul 2020, 18:45

Aufgrund der derzeitigen Spieletest-Phase tauchen vermehrt erste Gameplay-Videos auf. Hier ist eine Reihe davon, die ich auf aufgeschnappt habe. Viel Spaß damit:

Chewie. Die Prinzessin. Du musst dich um sie kümmern, verstanden?
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  smiling~bandit Fr 24 Jul 2020, 10:34

Hier weitere Informationen, zusammengetragen aus diversen Youtube-Videos und Berichterstattungen.

  • Es gibt eine Single-Kampagne, die etwa 10 bis 15 Stunden gehen soll (Spekulation diverser Youtuber). Es werden zwei individuelle Charaktere für beide Fraktionen erstellt. Das Geschehen wechselt in der laufenden Geschichte, sodass man teilweise in derselben Mission mal auf Imperialer, mal auf Rebellenseite steht. Etliche Berichte deuten dabei auf eine sehr dichte Atmosphäre hin.

  • Es gibt einen klassischen Dog-Fight-Modus 5 gegen 5 mit Respawn. Die Seite, die als erstes 30 Kills hat, gewinnt. Beim erneuten Eintritt in die Mission kann man das Schiff wechseln.

  • Fleet-Battles: 5 gegen 5 mit einer unbestimmten Anzahl KI-Schiffe zur Unterstützung.
    Ziel dieses Modus ist es, das gegnerische Großkampfschiff außer Gefecht zu setzen. Um aber überhaupt bis dahin vordringen zu können, gibt es einen sogenannten Moralwert für jede Seite, der als eine Art Gradmesser dient, zu welchem Zeitpunkt man die Großkampfschiffe oder ihre kleineren Begleitschiffe attackieren darf. Dieser wird durch Kills gesteigert. Wenn ein bestimmter Wert überschritten ist, kann man zu den Begleitschiffen des Großkampfschiffes vordringen und diese attackieren.
    Bei diesen Flett-Battles besteht die Möglichkeit, dass die KI-gesteuerten Großkampfschiffe auch mal ihre feindlichen Gegenstücke feuern können, was optisch sicher sehr großartig anmuten dürfte.

  • Beobachter-Modus: Es ist möglich als Zuschauer an Gefechten teilzunehmen. Dies ermöglicht gerade in Richtung E-Sports und Spiele-Streaming diverse Möglichkeiten. Details dazu sind aber noch nicht bekannt.

  • Eins-gegen-Eins-Dogfight.

  • Übungsmodus: Dieser scheint sehr vielschichtig zu sein und lässt, so die einhellige Meinung, kaum Wünsche offen. Offenbar scheint dieser Modus auch dringend benötigt zu sein, denn die Lernkurve des Spiels sei sehr steil. Einige Youtuber sind jedenfalls sehr überrascht von der Komplexität des Spiels.

  • Individualisieren: Man kann sein Gefährt verschiedene Paintjobs und Symbole verpassen. Als Spieler hat man die Möglichkeit, diese aber zu deaktivieren, sodass einem alle Schiffe in den bekannten Mustern gezeigt werden. Auch ist es möglich, das Innenleben des Cockpits zu modifizieren. Kleine Vader-Puppen, Hologramme und Anhänger in Hülle und Fülle.

  • Ebenfalls modifizierbar ist das Erscheinungsbild der Piloten. Gesicht, Kleidung, Körpertyp. Nicht sehr komplex, aber doch sehr variationsreich.

  • Innerhalb des Cockpits kann man einstellen, wie viel vom Geschehen über zusätzliche Anzeigen geregelt werden sollen. Es sei sogar möglich, das Fadenkreuz abzuschalten, um eine viel höhere Schwierigkeit zu provozieren.

  • Es gibt eine Lobby, in welcher man als sein Alter Ego mit seinen Teammates Taktiken diskutieren oder im Hanger sein Schiff modifizieren kann.

  • Die sogenannten Components scheinen allesamt eine eigenständige Funktion zu haben. Es gibt keine Level-Laser, die irgendwie besser funktionieren als andere, sondern je nach Situation und Spezialisierung des Schiffs für bestimmte Aufgaben geeigneter sind. Es wurde auch noch einmal bestätigt, dass sämtliche Spielinhalte ausschließlich durch spielerischen Fortschritt freigeschaltet werden.

  • Wie bereits angedeutet, sei das Spiel unerwartet komplex. Neben fliegerischem Geschick sei es entscheidet, wie gut die Squads zusammenarbeiten und welche Schiffe vorhanden sind. Daneben spielt es wohl eine erhebliche Rolle, wie gut man das Energiemanagement des Schiffs im laufenden Gefecht reguliert bekommt. Einige Tester berichten, dass dies eine Hürde für viele Casual-Spieler sein könnte.

  • Ein skillbasiertes Matchmaking soll verhindern, dass man als Anfänger Kanonenfutter für die Cracks wird.

Chewie. Die Prinzessin. Du musst dich um sie kümmern, verstanden?
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Meldread Fr 24 Jul 2020, 11:38

Das sieht alles bisher sehr interessant aus und ich habe das Spiel auch schon vorbestellt. Ich werde es mit Playstation VR ausprobieren und bin schon sehr gespannt!

Aber ich sehe da ein kleines Problem, welches eigentlich nicht direkt mit dem Spiel an sich zu tun hat sondern eher mit der Playstation bzw. mit dem Crossplay. Neben der Playstation bin ich ein alter PC-Zocker und nutze hier sehr gerne Discord. Wenn ich aber mit der Playstation spiele bin ich von Discord abgeschnitten. Natürlich wird es in Squadrons einen eigenen Voice-Chat geben aber wenn die PC-Spieler sich alle schon in Discord treffen ist es fraglich, ob die dann alle auf den Voice-Chat umsteigen, nur weil die PS-Spieler kein Discord haben. Ich weiß noch nicht, ob das wirklich ein Problem sein wird aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass es die Spielersuche erschweren könnte. Oder sehe ich das zu kritisch?

Wie sehr ihr das?

Oder kennt jemand eine Lösung, wie man Discord doch über die PS nutzen kann? Ich habe schon mal hierzu recherchiert und es gibt wohl Lösungen bei denen man einen PC mit der PS verbindet. Aber da meine PS im Wohnzimmer steht und mein PC ein Stockwerk höher ist das für mich keine wirkliche Lösung. Falls es jemanden interessiert, hier eine dieser Lösungen:

Mein Hangar:
Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  smiling~bandit Fr 24 Jul 2020, 20:04

Deine Bedenken sind durchaus berechtigt.
Vielleicht wäre Discord als App auf dem Smartphone eine Lösung. Das könntest du dann nebenher laufen lassen.

Chewie. Die Prinzessin. Du musst dich um sie kümmern, verstanden?
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Nosebear Mo 27 Jul 2020, 12:32

Ich bin gespannt. Das Echo der Leute die es anspielen durften ist das es kein Casual-Spiel wird was viele ansprechen soll sondern einen ordentlichen Knacks Simulation haben wird, was doch einige abschrecken wird.
Ich denke aber das man auch (finanziell) mit einem Nischenspiel erfolgreich sein kann.

Sehe schon als DLC bzw. Addon-Material B-Wing und Defender als schwere Angreifer Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 2717214276

Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  smiling~bandit Do 13 Aug 2020, 19:40

Wir sind jetzt bei nur noch 50 Tagen bis zum Release. FÜNFZIG! Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 4112837954

Grund genug für die Entwickler, sich wieder an die Fans zu wenden. Folgende Zeilen wurden heute auf reddit gedroppt:

Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Ldvpi5qmpsg51

Welcome back, pilots! This briefing is all about how you’ll customize your starfighters and pilots, both aesthetically with cosmetic items as well as functionally with ship components. Let’s start with the latter since that’ll be what impacts gameplay.


As you play Star Wars™: Squadrons, you’ll be able to unlock components (via Requisition points you earn) for your starfighters. These can be equipped to change how your ships function in subtle or radical ways. Some impact your starfighters passively, such as by reinforcing their defensive capabilities with different hulls or shields, while others have more active changes, such as what abilities you can use. Creating loadouts that suit both your playstyle and the situations you face will help pilots excel in combat.

In total, there are up to seven component slots, though ships without shield generators only have six.

   Primary Weapons
   Auxiliary (x2)

Fine-tuning a starfighter is something that can be very personal to each pilot. It’s perfectly fine to “jump in an X-wing and blow something up” to familiarize yourself with how a starfighter feels in its default setting, especially in the customizable practice range, but from there you’ll want to tailor your loadout to best support your squadron. Pilots can adjust performance and functionality of their starfighters.

X-Wing vs TIE fighter by a Nebulon-B

Starfighters can be equipped with up to three passive components and four active components.

The first group of components are the ones that provide active changes. These ones are more situational and can sometimes have a very significant impact on gameplay. The three types of active components are primary weapons, auxiliary components (of which there are two slots), and countermeasures.

Primary weapons are your starfighter’s cannons. These components change the functionality and performance of your weapons.

One primary weapon might offer a higher rate of fire in exchange for lower damage output, while another provides powerful long-range damage in the form of burst fire. There are even primary weapons that more radically change the way your weapons work, such as ion cannons that shred through shields and can outright disable starfighters but don’t do much hull damage. Each option will provide you with a unique experience and can excel in different situations, but finding the ones which are better suited to how you want to engage the enemy is most important.

Battle over Yavin Prime

Auxiliary components make up the next two slots and these components make up your starfighters secondary abilities. The options here range from adding a repair astromech or tractor beams to a variety of torpedoes, bombs, and mines. For these two slots, you can only pick one of each component, meaning you can’t have two repair units or two of the same missiles and balancing out your starfighter’s kit should always be taken into account.

The final component is your ship’s countermeasures. These components impact how you disengage from fights so that you can survive longer. Some examples are seeker warheads that your ship fires behind you to take out incoming missiles or a sensor jammer to prevent missile lock-ons. These are often your last-ditch efforts to survive a fight, so use them wisely or you might not have them when you need them most.

Passive ship components, on the other hand, provide changes to the general performance of your engines, hull, and shields, typically via percentage increases and decreases to their stats. With your default loadout, your starfighters will be well balanced and won’t have any major strengths or weakness, but through customizing them you can decide what you do and don’t want to trade-off. There are also some that add additional bonuses, such as engines that create a large explosion, damaging enemies upon your starfighter’s destruction.

For example, one type of shield will be more resilient to blaster fire but more vulnerable to missiles while another will have entirely different pros and cons, like taking longer to lock onto your ship when it has full shields but increasing the shield regeneration delay. There are often trade-offs in what is gained and what is sacrificed, and these decisions can make all the difference in battle. The same goes for the engine and hull components. Making your starfighter more nimble might reduce its max speed, or increasing your hull strength might reduce its maneuverability. Changes to your passive ship components will have a constant effect on your starfighter’s performance during a fight, so experiment until you find the balance that best fits your playstyle.

Here’s what our Lead Gameplay Designer had to say about the depth of the component system.

   James Clement: Between power management, overcharging, shield balancing or emergency power conversion, boosting, drifting, throttle management, primary weapons, auxiliary abilities, and countermeasures, the combat piloting experience has significant depth. You can learn the ropes quickly, yet you can look forward to discovering new techniques and tactics for months to come. On top of that, there’s a wealth of customizable components to choose from. There’s a healthy selection to start with and more to unlock through gameplay as you progress.

Components are an important part of how you’ll pilot your starfighters and experimentation is highly encouraged. There are unique components between the two factions and even across different ships, too, such as the Y-wing ion auto-cannon, so you’ll always be able to have a unique experience. Of course, we know style can be just as important to some hotshot pilots, so let’s get into customization next.


In Squadrons, both of your pilots (Imperial and New Republic) and all eight of your starfighters can be customized. When you start up, you’ll have the traditional appearances of your pilots equipped: an orange flight suit for the New Republic and a black one for the Empire. Your pilot appearances will be used in both the single-player story mode and the multiplayer modes.

In general, most cosmetics are unlocked via Glory points that you earn while playing. Both pilots will have multiple heads to choose from between the factions (with the New Republic having non-human unlockable options as well), plus different voice styles, too. All options can be mixed and matched freely.

You’ll be able to get pretty creative with how your pilot looks with options for different heads, full-body flight suits, torso apparel, legwear, helmets, and gloves. The team has sourced a ton of references from across the Star Wars™ canon to ensure they’re as authentic as possible while also introducing some new things. Whether you want a traditional look or something that makes you stand out in the briefing room, there are lots of options for you.

And that goes for your starfighter, too!

TIE fighter getting outfitted

Whether you want to represent one of the classic iconic X-wing squadrons like Red Squadron, stay true to the noble values of Vanguard Squadron, or rep an entirely different paint job, you’ll be able to do so. The same goes for the Imperial fleet. While many pilots may prefer the uniform look, we also have some special customization options for Titan Squadron’s starfighters that remain true to the Empire’s aesthetic.

That includes your cockpit as well. You’ll be able to add small knick-knacks on your dashboard, like a hologram of the galaxy, or hang a small Stormtrooper helmet from above. There are lots of little options that you can decorate with and, despite being inside, your enemies will get to see them when they watch a kill-cam of their defeat. While our singleplayer story seats you in traditional cockpits for each mission, we’re allowing players to have more creative liberties in their multiplayer experience. (The hanging red crystal from the mines of Crait is a personal favorite.)

Starfighters can customize their hull/paint job, decals (including familiar insignias like the Phoenix Squadron’s starbird), cockpit hologram, dashboard miniatures, and hanging flair. That said, we know some of our players won’t want any of it and prefer to see starfighters that match what they’ve seen in the films, so we’ve implemented an option for you to make it so all other starfighters appear in their default states if that’s your preference.

   James Clement:
The holo-display, normally used to provide critical phase and objective information throughout the Fleet Battles doubles as a customizable image projector. There are also hanging flairs like a miniature Millennium Falcon and dashboard-mounted objects like a severed protocol droid head or an Ewok bobblehead. Then of course there are the ship exterior paint jobs and pilot avatar customizations, all made through the culmination of months of concept art, modeling, and collaboration with the team at Lucasfilm.

In the end, how you customize the functionality and appearance of your pilots and starfighters is entirely up to you. Do what feels best and allow yourself to experiment. Get creative! If you find that you love a whole bunch of different combinations on your favorite ship, then that’s great, too! As you play, you’ll unlock loadouts, too, allowing every ship in the game to have up to five different component and cosmetic configurations, so don’t worry if you feel like you need to change partway through a match, though you can’t make new loadouts during one.

In the end, there’s no wrong way to play so long as you’re having fun. And hey, if a regular old X-wing worked for Luke Skywalker, it can work for all of us, too!

We’re already about halfway between when we revealed this game and when it gets into your hands, and we can’t wait for that day to come! Until then, we hope that you can hold out just a little longer as we prime our hyperdrives and tune our engines. Until next time!

See you in the stars, pilots.

Chewie. Die Prinzessin. Du musst dich um sie kümmern, verstanden?
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  NoRescue So 16 Aug 2020, 17:02

Und wieder mal gehen die Mac-User leer aus. Und ich werde mir definitiv das Virus von Kleinweich nicht auf mein Äpfelchen holen.


Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  smiling~bandit Do 27 Aug 2020, 18:42

Heute gibt es ein paar neue Infos zu dem Spiel:

Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Unbena10

Chewie. Die Prinzessin. Du musst dich um sie kümmern, verstanden?
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  elDiablo Fr 28 Aug 2020, 03:59

Das die Schiffe in verschiedenen Klassen mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten aufgeteilt wurden klingt für mich zusehr nach einen typischen MMO-Spiel das und das der Schwerpunkt mal wieder auf dem Multieplayer liegt, gefällt mir bisher überhuapt nicht, falls der Singleplayer gut ist, werde ich es mir auch kaufen ansonsten hole ich es mir, wenn überhaupt, nur über einen Sale.

Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Laminidas Fr 28 Aug 2020, 10:57

Ich sehe das auch noch kritisch, zumal EA in jüngerer Zeit viel verbockt hat.

Und EA lernt es mit gut integrierten HUDs einfach nicht. Die projizierten HUDs im Spiel wirken sehr dick und damit aufgesetzt. Das muß noch deutlich zurückhaltender werden. So wie im alten X-Wing oder TIE-Fighter war das besser.

Aber mal abwarten, wie das wird.
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Laminidas Fr 28 Aug 2020, 22:09

Im FFG-Forum gibt's 'ne Zusammenfassung:

  • There will be only a standard edition to order 6/15
  • More details will come about how cross-play works 6/16
  • Ammo system will be for abilities and not for the lasers 6/18
  • When changing ships, you can do it when respawning, or by returning to your flag ship in Fleet Battles and changing inside the hangar 6/18
  • Dogfight mode has the normal point cap and timer 6/18
  • The targeting computer is manually controlled, but also has some automatic aspects 6/18
  • Future PB’s will discuss changing loadouts in the ships 6/18
  • Team is not currently planning dedicated mod support, and if they do add it then it will be like the DICE policy was - if it’s offline, it’s okay 6/19
  • There will be a scoreboard to check mid-match 6/19
  • Does not know if HOTAS will be supported, but it is unlikely 6/19
  • All cosmetic and upgrades are earned via gameplay; most are unlocked when player has progressed enough, but some have other sources 6/19
  • Auto-aim cannon component is not as powerful and has some downsides to it 6/19
  • Can toggle free-look in the cockpit, but there is nothing to share on TrackIR yet 6/19
  • Will share details on skill-based matchmaking in the future 6/19
  • Can avoid missiles with skilled flying 6/19
  • Potentially bots will not be marked in the UI as it currently stands 6/19
  • Primary weapons can be switched with a component, and there are 7 total component slots if the ship has shields 6/19
  • The two factions’ customized pilots in the game will be the same regardless of ship used on each side 6/19
  • Pilot customization can be changed in the customization menu outside of matches 6/19
  • A live game demo would be difficult given the working from home conditions 6/23
  • Nothing to share on the closed beta yet 6/25
  • Capital ships move around during fleet battles 6/25
  • AI fighters will use all ships, and will be part of the capital ships and flagships 6/25
  • All cosmetics are authentic to Star Wars and the pilots players will play as 6/29
  • The players’ pilot names can be changed 6/29
  • In fleet battles, after the first dogfight, the winning team attacks the capital ships and the defending team attacks the starfighters; if the defending team is successful in that phase then they will start attacking the other side’s capital ships. Once one sides’ capital ships are destroyed, it is easier to attack the flagship. 6/29
  • There will not be phase changes like in BFII Supremacy, instead the battle will flow toward the next phase 6/29
  • A player from any platform can invite someone from any other platform to play with them 6/29
  • Some resources have a cooldown while others are limited and can be resupplied by support ships and capital ships / flagships 6/29
  • Usually if something is finite it uses ammo, like missiles; if it does something to the ship or changes a function, it is usually a recharge, like a repair unit / astromech 6/29
  • Team discussed an Aurebesh option at one point, but it is not planned now 6/29
  • The white spot on the throttle is the sweet spot for turning 6/29
  • Can go to multiplayer after the prologue 6/29
  • Voice chat is across all platforms 6/29

Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Laminidas Mo 14 Sep 2020, 21:07

Neuer Trailer:

Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  elDiablo Do 17 Sep 2020, 15:58

Sehr guter Trailer, da wünscht man sich komplette Filme in dieser Qualität, aber vor allem macht der Trailer bock auf das Spiel, werde mir wohl doch das Spiel kaufen Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 377612346

Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Meldread Do 17 Sep 2020, 16:17

elDiablo schrieb:Sehr guter Trailer, da wünscht man sich komplette Filme in dieser Qualität, aber vor allem macht der Trailer bock auf das Spiel, werde mir wohl doch das Spiel kaufen Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 377612346

Oh ja! Ich habe es schon vorbestellt und bin kurz davor mir einen HOTAS-Stick zu besorgen... Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 2717214276

Mein Hangar:
Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag Sa 26 Sep 2020, 18:54

Hab eine Facebook Gruppe für uns PS4-Spieler gegründet:
Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag Fr 02 Okt 2020, 07:00

Release-Tag! Start your Engines!
Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Laminidas Fr 02 Okt 2020, 12:37

An diejenigen, die das Spiel schon gekauft und gründlicher angespielt haben:

Ich bräuchte eine Kaufentscheidungshilfe... Wie sehr hängt das Spiel von einer Kommunikation während der Einsätze per Headset und Discord aus? Ist das Spiel darauf ausgelegt, daß man auf diese Weise akustisch kommuniziert oder geht es auch ohne?
Gibt es einen spielinternen, textbasierten Chat in der Lobby, in dem man sich vor dem Einsatz besprechen und die Rollen verteilen kann?

Der Hintergrund der Frage ist, daß ich schwerhörig bin und keine Headsets benutzen kann, geschweige denn akustische Kommunikation während der Action verstehen kann.
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag Sa 03 Okt 2020, 18:42

kann es leider noch nicht final sagen. Es gibt halt teilweise Dinge parallel zu tun und dafür ist eine Absprache sinnvoll. Denke, dass es aber auch ohne Sprachchat geht, nur eben nicht oben auf der Rangliste.
Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Herendon Mo 05 Okt 2020, 14:38

Den Chat musste ich erst mal suchen, den hat niemand bisher benutzt. Dafür hast du jede menge schlecht eingestellte Voice Activation. Ich würde also behaupten, das du im normalen zufälligen Spiel nicht viel verpasst wenn du daran nicht teilnimmst.
Solltest du doch mal mit Freunden eine Runde fliegen, gibt es schnellbefehle für "verstanden", "angreifen", "Hilf mir" etc die aber bisher auch keiner benutzt hat. Wahrscheinlich wirst du komisch angeguckt wenn du das machst.
Das Hauptproblem sehe ich auch eher in der Koordination einer 3D schlacht ohne Anhaltspunkte. "Rot 2: Ich hab einen hinter mir" - "Rot 5: Biggs, wo bist du, ich seh dich nicht!" - "Rot 2: Irgendwo oberhalb des Todessterns".

Wir alle wissen wie das ausgegangen ist.

Wenn du also über eine katastrophale PC - Menüsteuerung hinwegsehen kannst gibt es keinen Grund sich das nur wegen mangelndem Headsets nicht zu kaufen. Koordination suchst du in Zufallsgefechten ohnehin vergebens.
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Cil'Pen Mo 05 Okt 2020, 15:29

Jetzt kann ich endlich mal die alte PS4-MER-Gruppe mit nem Game verlinken!^^ ;)
Also ich finds bisher ziemlich gut... mal schauen wie es mit der Langzeitmotivation ausschaut... :-/

Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Crimso16
Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  Nosebear Do 19 Nov 2020, 16:05

Es wird neuen Content geben:,3364163.html

neue Map
neue Komponenten


B-Wing und Defender als neue Schiffe!!!! Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 2814660190 Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 2814660190

Einwohner des MER

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

Beitrag  smiling~bandit Fr 20 Nov 2020, 00:45

Nosebear schrieb:Es wird neuen Content geben:,3364163.html

neue Map
neue Komponenten


B-Wing und Defender als neue Schiffe!!!! Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 2814660190 Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 2814660190

Es ist schon ziemlich geil, was hier nachgeliefert wird für die Community. Und das Ganze für lau. Ich freue mich. Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 3308163271

Chewie. Die Prinzessin. Du musst dich um sie kümmern, verstanden?
Boarding Team Mos Eisley
Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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Star Wars: Squadrons (EA) - Seite 2 Empty Re: Star Wars: Squadrons (EA)

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