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Beitrag  Ruskal So 07 Aug 2016, 12:52

I'll Show You the Dark Side

Announcing the Tenth Wave of X-Wing Starship Expansions

Fly a Rebel TIE fighter. Scavenge for upgrades. Use the power of the dark side to cripple your foes with your choice of critical hits…

Three new starships and a wealth of fantastic new upgrades are headed your way in the tenth wave of X-Wing™️ starship expansions!

   Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack
   Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack
   Quadjumper Expansion Pack

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From left to right: the quadjumper, Sabine's TIE fighter, and the Upsilon-class shuttle

Inspired by The Force Awakens and Star Wars Rebels, these expansions add new strategic options for each of the game's three primary factions. They introduce all-new maneuvers. They make it possible for you to dramatically alter your squadron deployment. And they introduce condition cards that you can trigger to create powerful, lingering effects.

Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack

The ubiquitous TIE fighter was one of the Empire’s most common symbols of oppression. When one of these nimble craft fell into the hands of Rebel saboteur and artist Sabine Wren, she knew exactly how to customize it for use against the Empire.

After battling against hundreds and thousands and unending waves of TIE fighters, the Rebels get to fly their own version of the ship with Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack, but it features far more color and far more surprises than you might expect from an Imperial fighter produced by the thousands.

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In addition to its miniature TIE fighter, pre-painted to reflect the color scheme that Sabine Wren chose for her stolen TIE, the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack comes with four unique ship cards and six upgrades, including a condition that you can use to reduce your opponent's firepower, a new crew member, and a new piece of illicit technology.

What good are a new crew member and a new illicit upgrade, you might ask, in a TIE fighter expansion? Well, this is no ordinary TIE fighter. This is Sabine's Masterpiece,  and the expansion's unique Title upgrade allows you to add both the crew and illicit upgrades to her ship!

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Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack

Everyone knew things on Jakku were about to take a turn for the worse when BB-8 alerted Poe Dameron, who rose his quadnoculars to his eye and caught sight of an Upsilon-class shuttle on the horizon. Grim, sleek, and menacing, the Upsilon-class shuttle's appearance heralded the arrival of a high-ranking First Order officer, and it turned out to be none other than the fearsome warrior, Kylo Ren.

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The Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack invokes the terror of this opening scene from The Force Awakens by partnering its pre-painted, large-base miniature shuttle with fifteen upgrades. These allow you to load your shuttle with advanced technology and talented crew. Chief among these is Kylo Ren.  For three squad points, Kylo Ren allows you to turn the dark side of the Force against an enemy ship through his use of the condition, I'll Show You the Dark Side .

New to Wave X, conditions are persistent effects that some ships and upgrades allow you to add to your games. For example, Kylo Ren allows you to apply I'll Show You the Dark Side with the use of an action, targeting an enemy ship within Range 1–3. Then, once a condition is applied, its text is immediately resolved, and any ship that Kylo Ren targets with his condition becomes far more vulnerable to crippling critical effects such as those from Blinded Pilot and Damaged Cockpit.

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Quadjumper Expansion Pack

Because the quadjumper in The Force Awakens was destroyed while it was landed in the Niima Outpost spaceport, we never got to see this ship in action. Nonetheless, its precise tractor beam array and unique maneuverability make it a versatile favorite among traders and smugglers in the Outer Rim. Naturally, this means it arrives to X-Wing as Scum faction ship, full of new maneuvers and dirty tricks.

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In addition to its pre-painted quadjumper miniature, the Quadjumper Expansion Pack provides access to eight upgrades that allow you to militarize the ship. These include a crew version of blobfish Unkar Plutt,  as well as a unique elite pilot talent and associated condition that help your elite pilots pay back their debts against those who have done them wrong.

Finally, the expansion includes all the tokens you need to fly it to battle, plus a maneuver dial with no fewer than six different speed "1" maneuvers.

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What Will You Discover?

The dark side of the Force, mercenary greed, and heroic self-sacrifice all play their part in the conditions of X-Wing Wave X, as do three exciting new ships from The Force Awakens and Star Wars Rebels. What will happen when you bring these ships and conditions to the table? What will you discover?

The tenth wave of X-Wing starship expansions is scheduled to arrive to retailers in the fourth quarter of 2016!

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Beitrag  Ruskal Fr 02 Sep 2016, 22:10

Go Rogue

Announcing Two New X-Wing™ Starship Expansions

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“This is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.” –Jyn Erso

Later this year, those of us at Fantasy Flight Games will join the millions of Star Wars fans lining up to watch Rogue One. Like you, we are eager to learn more about Jyn Erso, to discover what role she plays in the fledgling Rebel Alliance, and to see if she will help the Rebellion gain valuable intelligence on the Galactic Empire’s newest weapon.

We also look forward to seeing the film’s new starships in action…

Already, we know that the Rebel Alliance’s U-wing is a hardy transport craft used for deploying troops under the cover of darkness or into the midst of dangerous situations. We also know that the Galactic Empire’s TIE striker is a sleek and agile fighter used primarily by forces stationed on planetary installations.

What else do we know? We know that even before you can watch these ships race across the big screen, you will be able to fly them in your X-Wing™ space battles.

We are proud to announce that we are going rogue with these ships, and the U-wing Expansion Pack and TIE Striker Expansion Pack are now being added to the game’s upcoming tenth wave of starship expansions!

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U-wing Expansion Pack

Among the beliefs that lie nearest the heart of all Star Wars films is one that says it is possible for an individual to make a significant impact upon a course of events that extend far beyond his or her own life.

This remarkable belief—which just happens to unite the members of the Rebel Alliance—leads to the even larger belief that a collection of individuals, working together, can alter the fate of the galaxy.

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In the U-wing Expansion Pack, X-Wing fans will find not only a new large-base Rebel ship, but a whole collection of remarkable pilots and crew members that evoke the Rebel spirit. Four ship cards and fourteen upgrades introduce versions of Jyn Erso , Cassian Andor , plus several other notable characters from Rogue One.

Then, because the U-wing is a transport ship, you will find it outfitted with two crew slots and a maneuver dial designed to carry these new characters into the best possible position to make a difference.

Systems and torpedo upgrade slots further add to the ship’s versatility, as does its Pivot Wing Title, a dual-sided upgrade which can greatly enhance either the ship’s maneuverability or its effectiveness in combat.

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TIE Striker Expansion Pack

Although it can function in space, the TIE striker was designed primarily for use in atmosphere and features a sleek profile with an extended cockpit and advanced high-speed wings.

In X-Wing, these wings continue to set the TIE striker apart from other TIEs. First of all, they help translate the TIE striker’s speed and power to the pre-painted miniature from the TIE Striker Expansion Pack. But more importantly, they allow your TIE striker pilots to make lightning-quick adjustments to their maneuvers.

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Among the expansion’s three upgrades are the TIE Striker only Title, Adaptive Ailerons , which state that immediately before you reveal your dial, if you are not stressed, you must execute a white left-bank, right-bank, or straight maneuver.

Although the ability may seem unnecessarily restrictive at first glance, it is important to remember that you do not need to equip your TIE striker with Adaptive Ailerons. Also, you execute this free Speed "1" maneuver before revealing and executing the maneuver locked into your dial. Given the right measure of pilot skill, your TIE striker's Adaptive Ailerons allow it to begin its activation by repositioning itself with the equivalent of a boost action after your opponent's ships have already activated.

In such circumstances, a TIE striker with Adaptive Ailerons is a uniquely responsive fighter, especially since it already features the barrel roll action.

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A TIE striker pilot takes advantage of her fighter’s Adaptive Ailerons and barrel rolls to line up a point-blank shot on a hapless Rebel.

Of course, in the long run, all your maneuvering is in service of your ability to gun down your opposition. Fortunately, the TIE striker excels at that as well, and partners a primary attack value of three dice with an agility value of two and a hull value of four.

Will You Continue to Fight?

Soon, Rogue One will make its way to the theater, and we will all enjoy the newest installment in the Star Wars galaxy. We will enjoy heroics and villainy of the highest order, and we will all bear witness to the ways that a handful of individuals can reshape the course of history.

Until then, keep your eyes open for more information about the new Rogue One starship expansions coming to X-Wing. Along with all the rest of Wave X, the U-wing Expansion Pack and TIE Striker Expansion Pack are scheduled to arrive at retailers before the movie releases!

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Beitrag  Barlmoro Mo 17 Okt 2016, 16:56

Suppressive Fire

17 October 2016 | X-Wing
Suppressive Fire
A Preview of the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack for X-Wing™

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"Yeah… about that, uh… we stole a TIE fighter."
     –Ezra Bridger

There is no starfighter more closely associated with the Galactic Empire than the TIE fighter. Designed by Sienar Fleet Systems, the TIE fighter was cheap, mass-produced, and ubiquitous—a quick and agile dogfighter deployed most often in overwhelming numbers. Squadrons of TIEs would serve as reminders of Imperial might. Even solitary TIEs could spread fear among those who heard the distinctive roar of their twin ion engines racing overhead.
Accordingly, there's no small measure of irony in the fact that the Rebellion will soon get to field its own TIE fighter in battle.
Scheduled to arrive later this year with the rest of the X-Wing™  Wave X starship expansions, the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack grants Rebel squad leaders access to their very own TIE fighter, along with four unique pilots and five upgrades. But this TIE fighter doesn't represent Imperial might. It was stolen and modified. It was painted bright orange and yellow. It represents individuality and defiance.
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A 360-degree view of the TIE fighter from the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack

Outfitted for Rebel Use

"At least tell me you dismantled the locator beacon?"
     –Kanan Jarrus

The stolen TIE fighter's locator beacon might have been dismantled a bit later than it should have been, but it was eventually dismantled. Then Sabine repainted the TIE, working her masterpiece in bright shades of orange and yellow between the black and grey of its wings and their solar collectors. Those, however, were not all the changes the Rebels made.
They modified the ship enough that they were able to squeeze a couple of passengers into the cockpit, alongside the pilot, and then—in a dramatic turn of events—outfitted it with enough illicit EMP devices to temporarily shut down nearly all of a Star Destroyer's systems from inside its docking bay.
These changes are reflected in the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack through both the Title upgrade Sabine's Masterpiece and the EMP Device illicit upgrade.
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With these upgrades, you can enhance the fighter's combat capabilities by squeezing in a crew member such as aRecon Specialist , Jyn Erso , or Captain Rex . Or you can decide that instead of attacking, you would rather fly yourCaptured TIE into Range "1" of a cluster of enemy ships, detonate your EMP Device, potentially ionize a key enemy fighter, and force it to limp straight forward on its next round at speed "1"—right into the firing arcs of your squadron's other ships.
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After executing a Speed "4" Koiogran-turn with her Captured TIE, the Rebel player opts to trigger her EMP Device instead of performing attacks, assigning two ion tokens to each ship at Range "1."
Of course, to pull off that sort of trick, you will want a pilot of considerable skill.

A Pilot of Considerable Skill

Of the four unique ship cards in the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack, the one with the highest pilot skill value belongs to Ahsoka Tano . She enters X-Wing with a pilot skill value of "7," which is enough to sneak past all the game's non-unique pilots, as well as many of its lesser aces. Moreover, with a copy of Veteran Instincts , she can boost her pilot skill value to "9" and sneak past the likes of "Omega Leader," The Inquisitor , and Boba Fett . EvenColonel Vessery , equipped with his own Veteran Instincts, won't be able to see through Ahsoka's ruse.
WAVE X - NEWS !!! ONLY !!! Swx59-ahsoka-tanoThe problem is that in order to maintain her ruse Ahsoka won't be able to take any shots, lest she be forced to discard her Captured TIE modification. Fortunately, her unique pilot talent allows her to contribute even throughout this initial approach. At the start of the Combat phase, she can spend a focus token to grant a free action to a friendly ship at Range "1."
Perhaps you'll have Ahsoka grant Poe Dameron the action so that he can focus after having boosted into position for a Range "1" shot on an enemy TIE. Perhaps she'll grant Biggs Darklighter an action to spend focusing or boosting his agility with R2-F2 . Perhaps she'll help a focused Rookie Pilot acquire the target lock he needs to hammer the Emperor's shuttle with a Proton Torpedo . The possibilities are myriad—limited only by your imagination and your ability to fly in formation.
And since you'll know exactly where any ionized enemy ships are bound to end up, you might want to consider how best to punish them. Here, the idea of forcing them to run into a nest of Seismic Charges or Proton Bombs might be appealing. After all, while you're using Sabine's Masterpiece to add the crew and illicit slots, you might consider using Sabine Wren to add a bomb slot and some additional damage. You could even pair Ahsoka with a Warden Squadron Pilot or Miranda Doni —or both.
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With Veteran Instincts equipped, Ahsoka Tano executes her maneuver after The Inquisitor and "Omega Leader," flying into position to detonate her EMP Device, ionizing all ships at Range "1" of her position.

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In the subsequent round, with The Inquisitor and "Omega Leader" doomed to limp forward at Speed "1," Ahsoka deploys her Proton Bombs and executes her Speed "1" maneuver to get just outside of the blast radius.

Consider Your Options

The drawback is that if you pilot your TIE with Ashoka and add Sabine as a crew member, you can't run Sabine Wrenas your pilot and take advantage of all the fantastic maneuvers she permits with her ability to boost or barrel roll immediately before she reveals her maneuver.
While you're weighing your options, you should also consider piloting your TIE with Captain Rex , who can assign his target the Suppressive Fire condition card whenever he attacks. New to Wave X, condition cards make lasting impacts on the game state, and the Suppressive Fire condition may even make a lasting impression on the larger metagame.
Any enemy that has its fire suppressed by Captain Rex rolls one die less when it attacks a ship other than Captain Rex, and since this ability belongs to the same faction as Biggs Darklighter, you have ways of ensuring your opponent cannot fire at Captain Rex. Add a VCX-100 or U-wing with a Tactical Jammer , and you will likely be able to negate the threat posed by one of your opponent's ships—almost entirely.
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  • Biggs Darklighter with R5-P9 and Integrated Astromech (28)

  • Blue Squadron Pathfinder with Jyn Erso, Jan Ors , Pivot Wing , and Tactical Jammer (28)

  • Thane Kyrell with , Tactician , and Alliance Overhaul (30)

  • Captain Rex with Adaptability (14)

     Total Squad Points: 100
Whether you fly Captain Rex in formation with the rest of your squad, as you with with the one listed above, or dare your opponent to chase him across the battlefield—through your other ships' firing arcs—it's safe to say that the longer he lives, the greater the impact his Suppressive Fire is bound to make.

A Masterpiece of Design

"Forget the explosion. Look at the color."
     –Sabine Wren

With its new modifications, Sabine's stolen TIE fighter is no longer the simple fighter it once was. It has become something else entirely—a masterpiece of Rebel design, the sort of half-weapon, half-artwork that conveys Rebel ingenuity and can lead to Rebel victory against overwhelming odds.
The Imperials have many TIEs and tend to send them into battle time and again according to the same tactics. The Rebels have just one TIE fighter, and it's painted yellow and orange. Additionally, it can hold a crew and equip illicit technologies. It would be foolish to fly it like an Imperial TIE, so how will you fly it?
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Head to our community forums to share your thoughts on Sabine's TIE fighter. Then be sure to head to your local retailer to pre-order your copy today!

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X-Wing is a tactical ship to ship combat game in which players take control of powerful rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial TIE Fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates Star Wars’ exciting space battles. Select your crew, plan your maneuvers, and complete your mission!
© & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.[/size]

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Beitrag  Barlmoro Mo 24 Okt 2016, 17:57

Fanatical Devotion

24 October 2016 | X-Wing
Fanatical Devotion
A Preview of the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack for X-Wing™

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"The First Order rose from the dark side."
     –Lor San Tekka

The anger, fear, and aggression of the dark side find a new home in the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack for X-Wing™.
Frequently used to transport dignitaries and high-ranking officers, the First Order's Upsilon-class command shuttles were loaded with defensive systems to safeguard their passengers. Advanced sensor suites in their upper wings allowed crews to scan enemy communications and help pilots avoid hostile encounters.
Even in combat, these shuttles still afforded their passengers reasonable measures of safety in the form of their protective durasteel armor and powerful shield projectors. Their twin heavy laser cannons also packed a considerable punch, but the ships' greatest defense against enemy fighters was typically the detachment of TIE/fo fighters that accompanied the shuttle.
Soon, the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack will bring this large-base starship to X-Wing™ as a heavily shielded, hard-hittting symbol of the First Order's agenda for galactic domination. You can look forward to spreading fear with its primary attack value of four, as its six shields and six hull allow you to play the aggressor. The new condition cards that accompany it will enable your pilots to lash out at their foes with a dark and directed anger.
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A 360-degree view of the Upsilon-class shuttle. ( View a larger image. )

Lashing Out

As we mentioned in both our announcement of Wave X and our preview of the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack, Wave X introduces a number of persistent effects to the game through the use of condition cards. You don't assign these conditions while building your list. Instead, you assign one to a ship whenever its trigger is met. The associated token is then placed next to the ship's miniature, and stays with the ship until the condition is removed.
There's no limit to the effects that these condition cards can create. They can be either beneficial or detrimental, and you'll find both in the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack.
WAVE X - NEWS !!! ONLY !!! Swx60-fanatical-devotionThe Fanatical Devotion condition allows you to assign a mostly beneficial effect to one of your ships.
WAVE X - NEWS !!! ONLY !!! Swx60-ill-show-you-the-dark-sideOn the other hand, I'll Show You the Dark Side creates nothing but problems for your opponent.
Ultimately, both conditions improve your squad's ability to lash out at enemy ships, and you can incorporate both into your squad. In fact, since the Upsilon-class shuttle features two crew slots, you can add both General Hux andKylo Ren to the same ship.

Rival Agendas

Adding both General Hux and Kylo Ren to the same shuttle might not, however, be your best option. Just as there were clear tensions between the two in The Force Awakens, assigning both crew members to the same shuttle would force you to decide between competing actions. Sure, you could add an Experimental Interface to the shuttle, but even then you'd be forced to choose between triggering both conditions or using your other action to acquire a target lock, focus, or coordinate the rest of your fleet.
The Upsilon-class shuttle is the first ship in the Standard game to feature the Coordinate action that debuted in the Epic game with the Rebel Transport Expansion Pack. When your shuttle performs the Coordinate action, it immediately grants a free action to another friendly ship at Range 1–2.
Accordingly, you can use your Upsilon-class shuttle to help coordinate a trio of TIE bombers, to allow your TIE/fo fighter to barrel roll away from an asteroid before it maneuvers, or even to trigger the Fleet Officer on your TIE Shuttle,  allowing you to assign two focus tokens without having to place a stress token on your Upsilon-class shuttle.
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Finally, adding both General Hux and Kylo Ren to the same shuttle would prevent you from crewing that shuttle with the new Operations Specialist.  Whenever a friendly ship at Range 1–2 performs an attack that does not hit, your Operations Specialist can assign a focus token to a friendly ship at Range 1–3 of the attacker.
Action economy is always good, but if you're wondering why this crew member is both Limited and worth three squad points, consider that there's no limit to the number of times that the Operations Specialist can trigger. Additionally, the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack comes with two copies of the elite pilot talent Snap Shot.  Pair your Upsilon-class shuttle, General Hux, and Operations Specialist with a trio of Omega Squadron Pilots with Snap Shot, and you have the recipe for an all-out offensive.
Alternatively, you could fly your Operations Specialist aboard Kylo Ren's Shuttle and pair the ship with one or moreGamma Squadron Veterans with Snap Shot, TIE Shuttle, Tactician,  and Intelligence Agent.  You'll likely take a lot of damage in the early exchanges, but so long as your shuttle survives, you should be able to shift the momentum back in your favor after you bury your opponent's ships beneath a barrage of bonus shots and a mountain of stress tokens.
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When you run Kylo Ren's Shuttle with a pair of Gamma Squadron Veterans outfitted with TIE Shuttle, Snap Shot, and Tactician, your opponent's Poe Dameron will find it hard to approach you in any way that doesn't let you bury him under stress tokens.
In the end, your decision whether to crew your Upsilon-class shuttle with either General Hux or Kylo Ren may simply come down to your strategic vision.

Let Nothing Stand in Your Way

"Show me again, the power of the darkness, and I will let nothing stand in our way."
     –Kylo Ren

It may be difficult, but there are ways you can still make General Hux and Kylo Ren work together and further the First Order's ambitions. One of the most convenient of these is simply to put Kylo Ren in the pilot's seat.
Even as a pilot in your Upsilon-class shuttle, Kylo Ren can intimidate his opponents with the power of the dark side. His unique pilot ability allows him to assign the condition I'll Show You the Dark Side to the first attacker who hits his ship in a given round, and because this ability doesn't require an action, it means you can save your action for General Hux.
Still, you need a way to be able to generate a critical hit against the opponent that Kylo Ren tags with I'll Show You the Dark Side. If you don't use General Hux aboard the shuttle, you could ensure yourself a critical hit result by upgrading your shuttle with Emperor Palpatine.  You could also secure yourself some pretty good chances of generating critical hits by running Proton Torpedoes on your bombers, flying "Omega Ace," using the Calculationupgrade, or adding a "Mangler" Cannon to one of your ships.
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A TIE punisher generates a critical hit result with its Proton Torpedoes and forces the Zealous Recruit to suffer the effects of theBlinded Pilot card.
It's important to note, here, that all you have to do is get the critical hit past your opponent's defense dice and tokens. So long as the damage isn't cancelled, it is suffered, and while the damage your opponent's ship suffers would normally apply first to its shields—if it has any—I'll Show You the Dark Side alters the standard effect. The critical damage isn't suffered as the removal of a shield token or as a card drawn and revealed faceup from the damage deck; the damage is simply suffered as the faceup critical hit stored on I'll Show You the Dark Side.

Play the Aggressor

Naturally, you have more piloting options for your Upsilon-class shuttle than just Kylo Ren, and along with the expansion's new tech upgrades, these are bound to promote the exploration of a good many squadron designs.
Major Stridan allows you to treat all friendly ships at Range 1–3 as though they were at Range "1" for purposes of your actions and upgrade cards. This means you'll be better able to coordinate your fleet through the coordinate action or the use of upgrades like Systems Officer,  Operations Specialist, and Fleet Officer.
Stridan also works well with the new tech upgrade Targeting Synchronizer.  Combined with a Weapons Engineer, your Targeting Synchronizer can easily empower your squad's use of ordnance or a pilot like "Omega Ace" and his deadly attacks of pure crit.
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While Major Stridan keeps his Targeting Synchronizer within Range "3" of "Omega Ace," the TIE/fo fighter pilot can use Push the Limitto focus and reposition with a barrel roll for a Range "1" shot, rather than using his actions to focus and target lock before firing at Range "2."
If neither Kylo Ren's dark side powers nor Major Stridan's squadron command are quite to your taste, then you might consider the budget deployment shenanigans enabled by Lieutenant Dormitz.  At thirty-one points, Lieutenant Dormitz slots into your squadron for just one point more than the Starkiller Base Pilot, but allows you to deploy friendly ships anywhere within Range 1–2 of his position.
Equip him with the new Hyperwave Comm Scanner,  and you can deploy him at a pilot skill value of zero, six, or twelve—your choice. You could deploy him in the middle of the board at pilot skill "0," and establish a screen ofAcademy Pilots within Range "3" of your edge of the board.
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Alternatively, you could run Lieutenant Dormitz with a trio of TIE/fo fighters—all deploying at pilot skill "12," using Hyperwave Comm Scanners as needed.
Set them all straight across the table from the ship they most want to destroy, and if your opponent doesn't fully recognize the threat at hand, you'll be able to inch forward with Dormitz, and activate General Hux to assign each of your TIE/fo fighters a focus token. You'll also assign the Fanatical Devotion condition to one of them, potentially a devotee like "Epsilon Ace."
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  • Lieutenant Dormitz with Hyperwave Comm Scanner, Fire-Control System,  and General Hux (39)

  • "Zeta Leader" with Hyperwave Comm Scanner and Wired (22)

  • "Omega Ace" with Hyperwave Comm Scanner and Crack Shot (22)

  • "Epsilon Ace" (17)

     Total Squad Points: 100
With this sample squad, you want to race all your TIEs straight forward at speed "5," forcing combat early, and giving your opponent no quarter. You pair the uncancellable hit from Fanatical Devotion with the crippling critical damage facilitated by equipping Crack Shot to "Omega Ace." Finally, you add more damage potential by firing early with another high pilot skill value ace—in this case, the Wired "Zeta Leader." The result? You have an alpha-striking squadron truly worthy of representing the First Order in battle.
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Give Shape to Your Devotion

"Today is the end of the Republic! The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder!"
     –General Hux

Devote yourself to the anger and aggression of the First Order. Use the Upsilon-class shuttle to spread fear wherever you go. Bring an end to the Republic, and establish a new order for the galaxy.
Wave X is coming. Head to your local retailer to pre-order your copy of the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack!

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X-Wing is a tactical ship to ship combat game in which players take control of powerful rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial TIE Fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates Star Wars’ exciting space battles. Select your crew, plan your maneuvers, and complete your mission!
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Boarding Team Mos Eisley

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